Friday, May 10, 2024

Research Task Seven : Independent Music Magazine Websites

So far, you have undertaken research tasks which sold have developed your knowledge and understanding of independent music magazine covers and the contents pages of magazines.

This research will be something that you will refer back to at a later stage when it comes to planning your own covers and contents pages.

The second part of your NEA will involve you having to produce the accompanying website for your independent music magazine. This will need to be made up of the homepage plus one linked page.

So, Research Task Seven asks you to undertake research into independent music magazine websites.


Visit the website for 'The Wire' magazine. You can access this by clicking here.

1. Work your way through the homepage of the magazine's website. How is the website's homepage set out and what can a visitor to the website find?

Take some screen shots of the homepage and add these to a Powerpoint. Make some notes around the images setting out your observations about the way that the homepage is set out and what can be found by visiting it.

I will talk this through with you in our lesson today using the following screenshots from The Wire's homepage:

The Wire homepage : screenshot 1

The Wire homepage : screenshot 2

2. What pages are linked from the homepage via the hyperlinks at the top of the homepage? What can be found at each of these links when clicked on?

Take some screen shots of the linked pages (two should be enough) and add these to a Powerpoint. Make some notes around the images setting out your observations about what can be found by visiting these linked pages.

3. What evidence can you find of digital convergence between the website and the magazine? 

This means:

a) how do the website and the magazine work together to create a sense of brand identity

b) what references are made to the magazine on the website in order to promote this to the website visitor?

Create a post titled:

Research Task Seven : Independent Music Magazine Websites

Add images of your Powerpoint slides to this post together with a summary of what you have learned from your research into the website for The Wire magazine.


The start of our lesson on Tuesday 14th May.

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