Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Research Task Six : Wider Research Into Magazine Contents Pages

You have just completed a research task where you have analyzed the contents pages of 2 editions of The Wire magazine.

You now need to widen this research to analyse contents pages of other magazines.

For this task you will be working more independently.


Find the contents pages of at least 2 other magazines (these can be from any genre; music, fashion, lifestyle, sport, film, gardening, travel, etc)

Repeat the process you followed for your analyses of the 2 contents pages from The Wire magazine, up to and including the annotation of 2 PowerPoint slides.

Create a new post on your blog with the following title:

Research Task Six : Wider Research Into Magazine Contents Pages.

In this post, Identify the magazines for which you have analysed contents pages and then post the screenshots of your PowerPoint slides.


The start of our lesson on Friday 10th May

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