Thursday, September 12, 2024

Production Task One : Photography

You should have planned the photography that you need for your magazine covers, contents pages and website.

Remember that you do not have to take the photographs yourself but whoever takes the photographs must be doing so under your direction.

My advice is to take more photographs than you think you will need.


Create a post on your blog titled Production Task One : Photography

In this post write an explanation of the process you followed to actually take your photographs.

Include lots of photographs that you have taken - don’t just include the ones you think you are going to use.

If you have any ‘behind the scenes’ photographs of your photography sessions, brilliant! Include them.

The final thing you have to do in this post is clearly identify the images that you are going to use for

  • Cover 1
  • Contents Page 1
  • Cover 2
  • Contents Page 2 and,
  • on your website.

If you have any questions, please ask.

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Production Task Two : Production Log

You must now keep a production log as you create your magazine covers, contents pages and website. Think of your production log as being li...